Impactful PBL Podcast

[3.1] Sustaining PBL: Reimagining professional development

Candice Wilson-McCain MBA, Ed.D Season 3 Episode 1
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00:00 | 13:11

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Welcome to season 3! This series will focus on how to build a sustainable, high-impact, project-based culture at your school site or within your school district without overwhelming instructional leaders, teachers, and students. This series is designed for school leaders, professional development coordinators for districts, PBL coordinators, teacher mentors, or anyone serving in a role that supports current or aspiring project-based teachers. 

It's been a while since our last season. So, in this episode, I will...

  • Share what we've been up to (spoiler alert: supporting teachers to facilitate PBL) and what we have learned about providing professional development focused on project-based learning 
  • Explore how my journey with project-based learning has evolved from being a teacher to designing professional development
  • Explain how we are reimagining professional development for project-based educators and what it means for the Impactful PBL Network, our core program
  • Preview the episode topics for season 3 and how it will help you launch or relaunch a low-burden, high-impact project-based learning culture at your school site

Listen to the next episode in this series to examine the components necessary to build a sustainable project-based culture at your school site.

P.S. Have you taken the Impactful PBL Readiness Assessment yet? It's a great resource for instructional leaders like you who want to make informed decisions about implementing or strengthening PBL in their schools.
Get Your Free Planning Guide Now >>

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