Impactful PBL Podcast

[2.13] How can we write a compelling scenario for a PBL unit?

Dr. Candice Wilson-McCain Season 2 Episode 13

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Phase 2 of the Impactful PBL Roadmap™ is to map the scenario and write a driving question. The initial scenario structure will involve first determining what students will learn (i.e. standards), thinking of a theme or topic second, and then writing the driving question. The next step is to draft a scenario. I've noticed that most teachers can select standards, a theme, and compose a driving question, but some struggle with writing the scenario in its entirety. This episode will explore how to write a compelling scenario for a PBL unit.

Resource: Read the accompanying article for this episode. 

P.S. Have you taken the Impactful PBL Readiness Assessment yet? It's a great resource for instructional leaders like you who want to make informed decisions about implementing or strengthening PBL in their schools.
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